Profound Simplicity — CAIYAM


Profound Simplicity

There is an old saying in yogic traditions, "Mastery is found in simplicity."

In times of unforeseen change and uncertainty, this teaching is a powerful reminder for us to return to the basics and rely on three essential foundations:

Continuity and repetition

When we practice a little each day, at the same time, in the same place, there is a subtle build-up of safety and solidity. We may get bored doing the same tried-and-true practices again and again, but repetition is the secret of adepts. It is easy to let the wanting mind run after a new and shiny system or activity every few months. Yet, this can disperse the power hidden within the process of digging deep into the foundations of our practices.

As my teachers always said, "Ten thousand times and you will understand."


With continuity and repetition, the mind no longer has to wonder what it needs to focus on. Then, we can simply slide into the practice and be-flow more than do-think. This is why adhering to a simple and potent daily practice is so quietly powerful.

Don't underestimate the effectiveness of simple things like shaking, gentle joint opening, self-massage, simple yoga poses, meditation, sun exposure, moon-gazing, and prayer. 


Feeling is where the rubber meets the road in self-cultivation.

With continuity and simplicity working for us, we can drop deeper into our embodied experience of the practice. This felt-sense aspect of our practice is what it is all about. Here is where we savor the lived experience of spirit embodied. If

If it feels soothing, supportive, nourishing, and delicious, it's probably the right practice for the moment. 
